Maintenance Location: Tukwila Data Center
Maintenance State Time: Fri, July 2, 1:00 AM PST / 8:00 AM UTC
Maintenance End Time: Fri, July 2, 5:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM UTC
Maintenance Window Length: 4 hours
Maintenance Expected Severity: High
Maintenance Impact: Server with location IGW3.19.2 will temporarily lose power as it will be moved to the new PDUs

Dear Customers,

In order to provide our best service to you, we will be conducting preventative maintenance within the racks. During the below time, your server will be disconnected from its power source. In order to reduce the risk to your operations and data, we request that you save any work or sensitive information and shut down the server before the maintenance period.

Your server will be taken offline and removed from its power source.
The work is expected to roughly two hours, but may take up to four should there be any complications.
Once the work has been completed, your server should be back online within a few minutes.

If you have any concerns about this maintenance, please email us at [email protected] with ticket ID #2797313 in the subject line.

RVH Cloud Team

Friday, June 18, 2021

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